National 12

Hamble this weekend

Started by Kevin, 09 Mar 2009, 12:57

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Who else is coming out to play and get in some salt water practice at Hamble this weekend with with Jane & I and Jonno & Linz? Can we expect a bumper turnout from Spinnaker? It is only just down the road from there.

Adele (Guest)

Myself and Andy Douglas will be there embarassing ourselves in Loki on Saturday. I suspect the consumption of one too many beers and lack of sleep will prevent us from sailing on Sunday. Hope to see lots of you there!

Adele Cameron


crew for rent if anyones up for it


Terry and I will be out and about - anyone seen a forecast yet? Either way, remember your sunglasses!


Anyone got the full results for the meeting, please (for the Thames Area series)?  Should have been a good weekend with all the sunshine.
Mike D


dont know any results yet but i hear jo richards cleaned up? so whose going to be buying a dead cat bounce now?
anyone want to buy me one?


The Y&Y photo suggests that second was not 3515 hull but 3485 with borrowed sails?