National 12

Crew wanted for Burton Week

Started by angus, 22 Feb 2009, 09:37

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It seems like I have leave for Burton and my crew hasn't. I did consider just coming just for the weekend but after checking on AA route finder 1000 miles drivingĀ  4 races and a bit of jigging semed a recipie for disaster. So if any one fancies a front seat in a starfish for a pleasant drift round at the back of the fleet. Be warnd I expect a high degree of dedication from my crew. I cann't hold up the bar all by myself! Any one inteerested in this onerous duty can contact me on angus 3 at
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411

Dare Barry (Guest)

Contact Kevin, he has a list of TB cadets wanting crewing jobs.
Good luck Dare


By the way I want to scotch the rumors that Rohan isn't coming cause I wouldn't promise not to dancce to 10,000 miles. All thought I will probably never do it while brushing my teeth again. He cann't get the time off schools
And Paul it is not that I can't smell it just that the keys don't always do waht they are suposed too.8)
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411