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Easter Egg @ Waldringfield

Started by Antony (Guest), 04 Mar 2008, 02:13

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Antony (Guest)

Easter is early, this year the moon (or the church) dictates that it will be the weekend of March 22rd and 23rd.  In case it is cold in Suffolk the event will be six races over two days (Saturday and Sunday) and not the usual three day event.
It would be good to have a strong showing as there are lots of other classes there to impress......... so get the boat out of the shed!
More information, NOR and entry form are at or contact me and see if i can help!

antony (Guest)

Those of you that have looked at the NOR will already have noticed that the first race on Saturday is at 11.00, with a proposed briefing at 9.45.  This all makes sense given the plan for 3 races a day, and given when high tide is.  It will be fun, any questions give me a call.

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