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Started by pabs, 30 Apr 2007, 12:00

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Hi i am curently looking at buying a twelve can any one tell me about this design Windbourne.  I use to have a crusader but i cant find anything about this design




The boat is on eBay currently is number 3336 - seems to be a 4 plank design similar to a Crusader but thats just from looking at pics.

Where are you planning on sailing?  Crew weight etc may help others to give you an opinion on if its suitable.



I think, and somebody might correct me, that 3336 is a boat that was designed and home built by the 'legendary' Graham Ireland.  As is often the case the design is somewhat unproven and was never repeated.   Typically, and unsurprisingly, boats of this type sell for less than a simiilar age boat wiht a more proven heritage.

Email me directly if you want any more thoughts on this, or other boats that you are looking at.


lucy horsley

It was indeed a home design and build by Graham.  All I can add is that I owned it for a while, did a lot of work on her, but sadly never got her out on the water-some stupid things called A levels and then University got in the way.
She was in good condition when I sold her in about 2005.


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