National 12

2 date mini-series at RHYC Winter Series

Started by Antony (Guest), 12 Oct 2006, 04:00

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Antony (Guest)

This is just a hold the date warning:

The RHYC Winter Series begins on October 29th and is held on every Sunday until Boxing Day.  

As last year P&B have kindly agreed to sponsor a 2 day mini-series within this series, and the two days will be November 19th and December 3rd.  There will be 2 races each day with 3 to count of the 4.  This worked really well last year, with 12 or so boats each day and everybody kind enough to let me win.

More details to follow, Tom and I will both be there so come and join us.


Antony (Guest)

Sunday was lovely, sunny with a force two.  Tom, crewed by Jess Green, showed us all the way round in both races.

December 3rd for the 2nd of the high water weekends, with more boats promised and even the appearence of Chris Mayhew on the water.



Sounds idylic! Any pics?

Jim N3130 and N3470 (Wood, glorious wood!)

john (Guest)

Thanks to RHYC for Sunday, we really enjoyed racing against other 12's. Not even upset by scuffing the boat on the windward mark as being a wooden boat I can just paint it! Hopefully I can persuade my crew to sail again on the 2nd.

John N3232