National 12

Dangly Poles

Started by Sean_Clarson, 23 Nov 2005, 04:04

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Dangly poles

Please put me out of my misery - what are they - what do they do exactly?, do they work? and would my vintage sparklet benefit by having one?   Up to press I have used a detachable jib pole.  Would the addition of a dangly pole alter my handicap at a vintage event? like the 70th Regatta?

If they are recommended where do I source one from?




Hi a very good artical written by Tom Stewart is on this web site in the '97 Newsletter.I do not think it will affect your PY rating as most vintage boats are using dangly poles.
Richard N2134 :)




The article drawing looks a bit complicated but it all works really simply if you follow the instructions.  You can buy pre-rigged carbon ones from P&B but some light aluminium tubing would do just as well, and be much cheaper, for your first experiment and you'll have some small blocks in your tool kit, I'm sure, which could be used to keep down the cost.  Dangly poles have made a real difference to sailing downwind and since they're tied on to the mast you can't lose them!  

Mike D