National 12

N3234 Rhapsody

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 12 May 2008, 01:57

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N3234 Rhapsody. Design: Baggy Trousers, designed by: Robert Peebles in 1980
Original boat name: Dicky Dirt.

jim aldis (Guest)

Rhapsody's claim to fame was a 4th in the Burton Cup at Exmouth in 1986 sailed by Pip Hudson
She was owned by David Buchanan at Bristol Corinthian YC during the 1990's & sailed on Axbridge reservoir. David removed the built-in back buoyancy tank (leaks?) - other than that 3234 is still very much 'as built' with muscle boxes (very fashionable in the 80's) and also a 'hatchet' centre board. This was apparently a way of retaining some of the benefits of a daggerboard, whilst keeping the boat legal! Seems to work OK....
I bought 3234 from David in 1998 and sailed her at the 1998 Burton at Weymouth and have since sailed her at club level & local open meetings
Rhapsody has recently benefitted from a revarnish & repaint and has had all the original 1980's fittings carefully replaced!

Pip Hudson (Guest)

A great boat, we so nearly won the Burton at Exmouth that year having led forĀ one and half laps, but when the wind dropped to marginal planing we got rolled on the reach and that was that. I then went straight to Spud Rowsells and bought some new longer spreaders and stiffened up the rig. Much better after that. That year we also won the 50th Anniversary Burton Cup re-run in Poole Harbour. Great to hear that N12 ledgend Jim Aldis is still sailing it.

jim aldis

Here is 3234 leading the fleet on 1st reach at South Cerney SC in 2007 (didn't last long!)

jim aldis

And a couple of photos after her repaint May 2014