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N2018 Starminx

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 06 Aug 2007, 08:49

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N2018 Starminx.  Design: Starfish, designed by: Mike Nokes in 1961
Previous boat names: Hiawatha, Ladywell II, Starminx, Starcurse, prior to reverting to Starminx.

John Brooke (Guest)

Quote from: ntoaThe life of N2018 Starminx. Design: Starfish, designed by: Mike Nokes in 1961
Previous boat names: Hiawatha, Ladywell II, Starminx, Starcurse, prior to reverting to Starminx.

This used to be my boat back in the late 60s, which I sailed at Trent Sailing Club at Farndon, Notts. (now defunct) and at Blakeney in North Norfolk. When we bought her, she was a pretty conventional Starfish, but then my father got to work on her, and installed a bow tank, side tanks and a narrow rolled gunwale. I kept her until I left home to go to University; unfortunately, I've not sailed 12s since then (especially nowadays - at 6'6" I could get away with this in my teens, but nowadays the passing of the years has added commensurate weight and I need something much bigger and ideally with a keel!).

John Brooke (Guest)

John Brooke (Guest)

Sorry - tried adding an old photo but it seems to have left a broken image rather than the photo itself. Picture of Starminx in Blakeney Harbour circa 1967 can be found at

Jeremy C

picture for you John...
Trick Cyclist-3444<br />In the pink-3408<br />Kifi-2431- under restoration<br />Flying Saucer 1277 (joint owner)<br />and now Bart 3455 too (sigh!)

John Brooke (Guest)

Quote from: 398picture for you John...

Cheers! Not sure what went wrong with my upload, but anyway, nice to see it onhere.

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