National 12

GUL Series Finale and Inland Championships

Started by Charlotte Stewart, 14 Oct 2013, 08:40

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tom white

Great weekend, me and jayden really enjoyed it, well done to graham and zoe!
kust wondering are there and photos of the weekend anywhere? 
Tome white
2765 & 3533


I say not sure how to put this , but finally got around to watching the episode of strictly I missed last weekend......Well has anybody seen Paul turner and Gold Fingure in the same room together?;D.
On the subject of Northampton it was really great to remind a few DCB sailors what a vintage transom looked ever briefly. Pity there were not a few more vintage boats there then we could have rafted up round the windward mark!
I must say that Naomi's nose job was looking much better now the bruising has gone down......Anybody looking for a bit of cosmetic surgery could do worse than to go to Brian, I believe his rates are very reasonable although not nesccessarily pain free. I believe he is the on British practitioner (?) being aided by a chimp.
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411