National 12

Olton Mere Open

Started by Chris Troth, 21 Oct 2013, 07:50

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Chris Troth

The final open meeting of the Midland Area calendar is at Olton Mere this coming Saturday. There will be a briefing at 10:30 followed by 3 races starting from 11.
Hot food available.
Please let me know if you are coming.

Tim Gatti

Hi Chris - I'm hoping to be there with some sort of vintage 12 to sample the legendary windshifts of Olton Mere!
But if it's blowing old boots and pouring with rain I may just decide to give the delights of Solihull a miss, sorry.
I'll let you know Fri afternoon via another post.

Chris Troth

Hi Tim, the weather for saturday looks ok with gentle breeze and perhaps a rain shower.
Any other takers?

Tim Gatti

What forecast are you looking at ??- Windguru and XC Weather both currently show a solid F4 with gusts rising from F5 - F7 during the day.
Too strong for Gruffalo and unfortunately, just discovered that Saskia - my vintage Starfish, has popped a plank (it's come unglued on the land), so unfortunately, won't be there on Saturday as I've no time to repair her before Fri night.