National 12

Wendy Blazeby

Started by nigelb, 04 Nov 2012, 10:55

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As a few of you are aware, Wendy Blazeby, my wife and fellow N12 sailor died suddenly and tragically at the age of 44 on 20th October. Wendy was new to sailing when we bought our first 12, TOUCAN 2 (N3326) in 2006. She bravely crewed as I struggled to remember how to handle a dinghy after a 25 year break! We moved onto a Foolish in 2009 (N3439) and had many happy sails racing amongst the 12 and handicap fleet in Salcombe and at Weymouth for the Nationals a few years ago. As a family we love the 12; not only could Wendy and I enjoy the boat, but our 2 teenage sons Torrin and Charlie have both crewed and learnt to sail in 12s.  We said farewell to Wendy at a celebration service for her life on Thursday, where the local N12 fleet were there in strength; thank you.   Nigel, Torrin & Charlie.