National 12

Wroxham Vintage Dinghy Regatta

Started by Chadders, 31 Jul 2009, 07:15

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Who is coming out to play then?? 
Declared entrants to date include Tim and Bernard who are both coming via NWNW, Brian Wady in his 11A, Brian Herring with his Doll, Jonathan from deepest Essex, Vince threatens to bring his Wisper also via NWNW and my Starfish is already on the trailer and ready to role.  This is the most relaxed event of the season, great sailing, great BBQ and all run under Jamie Campbells rules hence prizes bear no relationship to finishing positions (but the points do!!)  N1 is just up the road and almost ready.  Any more takers, just add a note and confirm below please?? 
Howard C  Nvarious


Howard, sorry to report, both 12's out of commission.  1719 on tressels waiting for reattachment of c/b case after dramatic gear failure and collision with concrete and 443 is locked in a barn the owner of which is on a boat somewhere between Turkey and Cyprus with the key on his keyring!  (It was meant to be left under a brick.)  Therefore I may be sailing something a little larger though in spirit I will be with you!  I suppose I could saw a foot off each end and reef the main but then a certain Mr A might be a bit annoyed.