National 12 - find out more...


Started by mutt, 22 Jul 2008, 12:32

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5.1 Decks
Boats may be open or decked.
what exactly does that infer?

Tim Gatti

You don't have to have a foredeck, side-decks - or an aft deck on a 12.
Have a look at the pic of 'Westwind' , an old Uffa King in the designs section to see how they used to sail them.
Derived from the rules for open Int 14's - it was a mark of a good sailor to be able to sail an open dinghy in a rough seaway and not get swamped - no self bailers or transom flaps in the good old days


I think the historical origin of this rule is that Int 14s have always prohibited foredecks whereas Twelves have always allowed them - hence the rule written as it is.
Mike D


Until 1996 14's prohibited them, they were allowed as part of the amalgamation with the Australian 14s. I digress... Carry on...

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