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2008 Dinghy Show

Started by John Meadowcroft, 10 Feb 2008, 10:52

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Tim Gatti

Oops - do apologise - N341 is, of course, 70 this year!!
(Sorry to put the cat among the N12 historians)

James Taylor

Quoted From the Merlin Rocket Forum.

As ever the Merlins attracted a lot of interest and I continued to be told by visitors that along with the N12s it is the boat they most want to see.

Myself while Looking at the Merlin Stand overheard the same and the guy's comment was how difficult it was to get a second hand N12 and the Merlin's are have the same Problem at this time.
Sam the DVD looked really good. Sorry that me and Ems didn't have time to help on the stand, last minute disided to come up and only there for three hours and we had to get home.
Hope to see you all at bristol.;D;D
James And Emma
N3304 Up For Sale (please, She is going on ebay at the end of the week)

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