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South West Series - IMPORTANT Dates & Changes

Started by THG, 01 May 2007, 03:24

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SW series up coming dates;

5/6/7th May - Salcombe
20th May - Frampton on Severn
9th June - Penzance SC
10th June - Mounts Bay SC
NOTE - the 9th & 10th REPLACE the scheduled event at Starcross on the 23rd & 24th June

The events after Salcombe are all new 12 locations and support at these would be much appreciated - they all offer some differing sailing experiences.

More details to follow shortly.




Do the two events in the Duchy count as one for the results?

Also Derek (the proud owner of Silk Purse) has persuaded Exe to offer a start on the 23 / 24th June if we want it - to join up with their Cadet Open, Saturday would be sailing on the Estuary and Sunday Sea Racing.

This could be added to the SW Series could it not?



John the two Duchy events should be 2 events and not count as one - otherwise this may put off anyone who only wants to do one of the days.

As for Exe - I'm not so sure this should be a SW event - great to have another gathering of 12s but not so sure it should count in.  Anyone else like to offer an opinion?  Who would be likely to attend the event?  Is it more likely people will if its a SW included??


James Taylor

Come on all you SW sailors come down to the real SW and enjoy Mounts Bay at its best two days two clubs brillent weekend .
 ;D ;D ;D :D

N3304 Up For Sale



wish I could be there however I will be running an Open here - the sting in the tail is that its for the Hornets!!!!!!!!!



To be clear for Exe, they are not offering us a special start, we will be in the hanidcap fleet. However it is an opportunity for us to get some sea sailing in.
Under the circumstances, I am not sure that the club would appreciate us dumping a full blown series open meeting on them by stealth!

James Taylor

Derek are you coming down to PZSC and MBSC for the N12 open meeeting great Sea sailing,
 ;D ;D ;D
Hope to see a few people.

N3304 Up For Sale
PZSC rep


Sorry James - Exe is because I had the flights booked for Starcross.
Other weekends in the SW are not really on the schedule until Salcombe in the autumn.
Are you likely to make it up to Exmouth?  - I know it is a long way.....

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