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Re-Registration Form

Started by smight, 19 Apr 2007, 10:52

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I bought my 12 fairly recently and I have found my form in my box of national 12 treasures. The last Bouyancy test was in 04. What do I need to do if i'm re-registering the boat?

Many Thanks

George Smith
3520: Divine Intervention


The bouyancy test is not required for you to re-register.  If you fill in the re-registration form and send it, and the certificate, to Kevan Bloor then you will receive a year of membership of the NTOA and a new and valid certificate for the boat.  

Forms are at:

You do then have to complete the bouyancy section, by testing that the boat floats and signing it yourself.

Any problems send me an email,


George Smith

Is that the same as the card with all of the test on it?


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