National 12


Started by jammy dodger, 12 Mar 2007, 02:35

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jammy dodger

For those of you feeling lonely out there in the South, we will have at least 6 boats sailing regularly at Spinnaker this summer. There is some great sailing to do on the lake and any number of laser and Solos to wind up.
The 12's always do well and lake sailing is excellent practise for sea sailing (it helps you learn to sniff the slightest breeze), as a group we do consistently well at other meetings.
Spinnaker is one of the friendliest clubs you could find and we must have some of the nicest 12 owners on the block!
If you want to come and join us to see what it's like, call me or Dave Wilkins (our numbers are in the book).


Er, prefer that you don't title new threads with provocative words ... had instant "aarrghh, not that one again" before seeing entirely innocent message about one of my favourite venues!

Mike D


Hope to see all 6 boats up at South Cerney then for the Thames / SW event, 21st April - any oldies wolcome too.

Seems to be a similar lake and wind patterns so you'd be at home so to speak as we also have Solos / Lasers too whcih are hard to beat (esp Solos  >:( )


jammy dodger

Hi Mike, don't think just because you're flattering us we'll let you win the open again!

