National 12

Is your N12 over 30years old?

Started by Paul Turner N2487/3500 (Guest), 01 Mar 2007, 11:46

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Paul Turner N2487/3500 (Guest)

If your National is over 30 years old you may interested in a special event being held at Trent Valley over the weekend of Saturday 30th June/ Sunday 1st July. The two day event is being held in association with the C&VBRA (Classic & Vintage Boat Racing Association) and the Vintage Merlins. On the Saturday there will be time trials all day (just like F1 qualifying!), sailing against the clock using class and originality handicaps (eg penalies for using Pentax sails and dangley poles, but bonuses for cotton sails and wooden masts!); on the Sunday there will be a full programme of strightforward handicap racing. And on the Saturday night we are holding our annual Summer Ball (with live music), this year celebrating the Clubhouse's Centenary.

The challenge is to have more N12s there than Merlins - and to beat them, and everyone else - just like the Bloody Mary! Interested? Give me a call on 07710 324800 or email!


ahem - CVDRA is the group - they usually have boats over 25 years old and designed before 1965 as their criteria...maybe by extending you may get more boats - 'newer' ones will probably be more heavily handicapped - so it helps to keep more sailing on an even keel (so to speak).

Sounds like a great event to support.



I thought the qualification had been relaxed recently to include A/C boats over 25 years old that were 4 plankers. I'm not sure that My Tigress 3130 would qualify though, since, like Punkarella she's probably a single planker. I'd be grateful if anyone might be able to help me out on this.


Jim. N3470 and N3130 (although far too heavy for the latter  :-/)


Jimbo - I guess its to whom you are referring to - the CVDRA only limit the age of the boat to the criteria I gave - so I think we can have Crusader and Baggy Ts in the events - but note the handicap is adjusted.

For n12 events the vintage wing is under Ken Goddard and I'm not sure how they set their rules - the 4 planker have no current person taking responsibility - so although there are some 4 plank events scheduled not sure exactly what the qualifying criteria is - apart from being 4 planker inthe design register maybe??  So the age is not considered.

The first 12 vintage / 4 planker is at my home Club in April so we need some clarification on this one!




Maybe not at Trent Valley in a drifter against some of the old boats that turn on a sixpence. I may have to drag my old Whisper out of the garage and give this one a go as my memories of Trent Valley ahve always been good....... oh those cucumber sandwiches on the lawn and a glass of Pimms by your side as the sun beats down. Memories   :)

John Meadowcroft

The vintage definition is easy.  A vintage boat is for wooden clinker construction.  The first non clinker construction was Impact (N2512).  Impact was the first four planker.  There are about 100 boats built after N2512 which are wooden clinker construction.

The 4 plank is not properly defined as far as I understand.

I would assume that a 4 plank boat is as defined by the letter 'b' in the Dinghy record in the National 12 Handbook.  The 'b' tag states that "the hull is a variant of the four plank construction, permitted in class rules effective from 1st March 1971".

This includes wooden Final Chapters as they are four plank variants but excludes anything that is not made of wood.  However this defintion would exclude Paper Darts (these were off the shelf glass fibre boats built in the 70s) due to the lack of wood.  I am pretty sure that the four plankers are keen to embrace the Paper Dart, but might not be so keen to embrace Final Chapters or Dare's Puddings.

Maybe there needs to be a cut off date in defining a 4 planker?



Ah! Now can I rebuild Dinsdale in time for the Valley? Thats my next challenge!!! If not I will have to borrow Complex!


While we are on the subject of old boats and things there is also going to be racing for CVDRA boats aat Tummel week 22nd to 27th of july as well as all the raft racing sail board walks and other generally wet things. There shouldn't be so many Europes this year either, not just because \\Tims gone to France but they are not having the Europe inlands just before. Midges will still be there though. 8)
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411

Roly Mo

With regard to handicapping and understanding that points get deducted for nice sails, dangly poles etc, do we get points added if we dress traditionally (ICM - a Harris Tweed jacket and a Henry's cat jumper cannot be described as traditional in anyones book, it's just plain bizarre)?  How many points do I get for not having spreaders (thinking of fitting but might hang on a while!) and for my lovely 'Witchcraft Bailer' type bailers?

Hoping to be there with Xanthus, and am working on a member of the family who has a Vintage MR too.

Roly Mo


I wouldn't get carried away.... Your 'lit pipe as wind indicator' might be frowned upon.... :o

Roly Mo

Hadn't even thought of that one . . . . now where did I put my late Father-in-Laws pipe . . . . .



Funnily enough there's someone at Annandale who likes to spark up his pipe for the downwind leg in his Solo....


According to Mr Turner a 4 planker (are we sure this is not rhyming slang for something?) is a boat of 4 planks up to 3160 when there was another rule change.


Vintage = Clinker
4 Plank = 4 plank build up to 3160
