National 12

AGM conclusions?

Started by MikeDay, 25 Aug 2006, 05:30

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Could someone who was there summarise the main decisions:  What was decided on the National status and rule re-write issue?  Did the sail change measurement proposal go through?  Thanks ...

Mike D

John Murrell (Guest)


The AGM rejected the ISAF / RYA requests so basically its down to the class from here on in!

And the sail measurement rule changes were passed.

N3062 (bought to be able to vote at the AGM - sad!)

steve norbury (Guest)

Can you clarify the changes to the sail rules? I thought the vote was on two options. Which one was passed?

John Meadowcroft

The first vote was about the lowest sail measurement (approx bottom batten)  This was passed so the measurement is now reduced by approx 3 inches.

The second vote was about increasing the meaurements at approx the middle and top batten.  This was also passed, so this is now increased - by approx 2 inches and 1 inch respectively.

Changes to become official when next version of rules are published (likely January 1 I believe).  All sails that have been measured prior to new rules remain legal.


rick perkins

For us new folk what was the reason for the change?

... and does this mean we now need new sails?



N12 3490

Wedding Invitations
Contemporary W

John Meadowcroft

A reasonably long story which is best addressed by the AGM papers....

Basically if you compare your sails to your certificate you will find that the vast majority of sails are not built to the maximum cross width at the bottom batten.  This is because there is too much roach on the sail for the batten to support (there is a minimum batten length).  You can see the distortion on a lot of the mainsails in the Burton Week photos linked elsewhere from this site.  

The idea is to change the roach profile so as to enable sailmakers to build sails to maximum dimension that work.  Sails should last longer.  The first decision at the AGM had no impact on the area people are sailing with.  The second decision has allowed the redistribution of area which generally was not being used so will result in larger sails.  We could have had sails that were this big under the existing rule, just few people did as they would not last very long.

I had new sails for 2006 and will use these whilst other people can try the new plan.  Next time I will get the new shape.  The leading boats are getting through a suit of sails every other year by my reckoning, so I guess that they will filter in by 2008/2009.  

I think you only need new sails if the current ones are shagged!



I think Meds actually meant to say there is a maximum batten length.
