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3352 on ebay

Started by marcus3292, 10 Aug 2006, 01:30

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Before the Dairy Hog gets his two pennyworth in, Bounder was built for Neville Green at Tynemouth. Not 100% sure if it is a home build, but is sort of self draining due to having wide side tanks but no double floor. This will displace large amounts of water if anyone goes plink plink fizz........



If you speak to Professor Pat Pending (Patrick Elcombe) to those who cannot remember the Wacky Races about his Man Of War which he has converted? from a double bottomed boat into a sort of double botter/AC cross. This does give any aged helms with dodgy knees a chance to hobble across the boat slightly more easily.

Paul Turner N2487/3500 (Guest)


Perhaps I should look at a single floor (non double bottomed) BI2 so I could have new design yot that I can sail without causing havoc to my knackered kness?  :-/

Paul Turner N2487/3500 (Guest)

Perhaps ought to sell Crazy Diamond first!


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