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burton week warm up

Started by Tom Jefferies, 20 Mar 2006, 05:34

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Tom Jefferies

Just thought i would put this message on for anyone interested. The week before burton week there is a regatta at fowey for yachts and dinghys. This is ideal if anyone wants to get some sea sailing practice in as it is in the same sailing area as the champs.
I will put more details up when i know more.
If there are enough people interested then it may be possible to get our own class. Put up a post if your interested.


John Murrell (Guest)

Does that mean that you are back in the UK and that a rudder might be needed?


nath (Guest)

Hopefully not we have informed immigration :P

Tom Jefferies

totaly forgot about that john!
Yes i am back in the county on the 28th april and would appreciate the rudder!
nathan you pikey! ;D


nath (Guest)

LOL TOM Anway as i cant get hold of you can U!! ring me re accom for burton please!!

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