National 12

rebuild or burn?

Started by jonn, 03 Mar 2006, 09:24

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Hello, i have just bought N2552,a Mike Jackson ..Impact. the old girl needs lots of work,seems re taping,new fore  and side decks,lammernated rubbing strips, and so on,and on......the question is what sort of a boat will i have at the end of this work or should i stick her on the bonfire and save up for something that is ready to sail?

ben saunders (Guest)

if you do decide not to rebuild her i would be interested in taking her off your hands as it were. this would only apply if you are in the Kent/south east region. otherwise my advice is that it is always sad to burn a classic boat. even if you rebiuld her and find her slow there will be someone out there who will want a vintage 12, and the sale could get you enough pennies to get a zippier, if less pretty 12.

regards, Ben


Here here Ben!
Rebuilding is definitely better if you can do it.