National 12 - find out more...


Started by Antony (Guest), 19 Oct 2005, 12:44

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Antony (Guest)

New thread day, despite being a bit busy at work.

On the 'club racing' thread somebody very sensible (actually I think that it was Jimmy so perhapss not so sensible and repeated 4 times) started talking about the importance of socials to the class and its enjoyment.  

One thing that other classes do much more of is the big social, whether a winter dinner & dance in London (Fireflies, RSs, 707s?), an end of season bash (Merlins, Larks?) etc.  We obviously have the area dinners, but I did find mmyself wondering if there was a market for something else, and whether a winter re-union social was the one thing missing from the 70th plans (extensive as they are).

Probably too late to consider now, but a thought for future planning consideration?

Tom Jefferies




I think you will find that if the 'young people' you talk about wanted to get involved more in the class that their input is more than welcome already. It is not for the class association to go out actively seeking people to get involved in the running of events but for members of the class to have an idea and put that idea forward. I know that Chris Bishop and Nathan Harding are starting to get involved in the social side of things - why don't you join them?

I also agree that an end of year bash would be really great - a way to catch up with people in the middle of the cold-water season! While the area dinners are certainly enjoyable I think it would be excellent to have one central party for those of us who dont feel particularly affiliated to one particular area.

That's all for now...

Emma  (dance)

Roly Mo

Paul Turner N2487/3353 (Guest)

The Ripon/Yeadon weekend is usually a vintage event as well as for the "fast" boats so what will happen if the two days are run for the ANEYC trophy?

Incidently, whilst I was pleased to see an ok vintage turnout out Yeadon this year (plus three at Grimwith last year), Ripon has been disspointing for the last two years probably beacuse it was so windy. Also, having travelled 200 miles to compete both years in conditions which were a bit beyond a 35 year old vintage boat, there was the impression that the club were not wildly enthusiastic at our presence there, either year. Hope we misinterpreted the signs coz Ripon is a great place to sail - been there three years running!

John Meadowcroft


I am confused.  There is a proposed meeting for National 12s - old and new.  I cannot see how vintage boats could be excluded if the weekend also has the aneyc trophy.

It was vintage meeting + prizes for opens at Ripon and yeadon.  It is proposed to have the additional prizes for the aneyc trophy.  Not sure why this should impact the vintage fleet.  I dont think that the proposal is intended to disenfranchise anyone.

or maybe i don't understand.




I'm not sure why you felt vintage boats were not made welcome at Ripon this year - I had hoped that we made everyone very welcome, as is the tradition at the club.  We are always delighted to see any 12, of whatever vintage, at the club - in fact its often the only chance I get to beat anyone!!  If you can suggest any way we might make you more welcome, please let me know.  We can probably change most things but, regretfully, can't do much about the weather.

Talking about the weather, I think we have enjoyed some outstanding conditions for the last three years, with fresh breezes and pleasant early autumn temperatures.  Sailing at Ripon can be quite demanding (and frustrating), but the 12's have had some of the best conditions that Ripon can offer, and I get the impression that most people would prefer a bit of a breeze rather than a drift.  

We are very much looking forward to providing a venue for the ANEYC next year and will do everything we can to provide an evening to remember on the Saturday.  We certainly have the location and facilities to hold a memorable event - all we need are lots of enthusiastic 12's to join in the fun.  If we could get 30+ boats there, it would be a truly memorable way to celebrate the 70th Anniversary, and hopefully enthuse some of the dozens of junior sailors at the club.  We look forward to seeing you there - in whichever craft you select from your growing fleet!

Peter C

Paul Turner N2487/3353 (Guest)

Peter - I did not say that we were not made "welcome" at Ripon (you personally welcomed us, the club was friendly and the event was very well run) I actually said  that I got the "impression" that the "club" was "not widely enthusiastic" based on comments etc at two years prizegivings. I loved the weather, but it was too much for the less hardy vintage sailors. The 2006 vintage diary is being put together by Ken Goddard; perhaps a call to him might clarify things? Visitors from Ripon will always be welcome at TVSC, vintage or otherwise! The date for our next open is provisionally 6/7th May 2006 - Paul

Roly Mo

Roly Mo

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