National 12

Bristol Gill series...

Started by Mikey C, 22 Mar 2005, 03:03

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Mikey C

Will be ace! ;D
I am currently bimbling away sorting loads of bits on Radical Edward in time for the first Gill series of the year!

See you all there...

Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
Carbon Toys for fast girls and boys!



And this year we have....
and NO WEED!
The order for decent wind has been put in as well, they owe us after last year!


 .... and hopefully loads of AC boats there as well .....  :P Remember, an AC boat won the event last year .

Any AC guys out there up for this? Be good to have a really big turnout...

Kevin (Guest)

And before anyone asks, the first start on Saturday 2nd April is at 13.00, Sunday 11.00.

The packs with details for the entire Gill series should be in the post by the end of the week and the web-site updated at about the same time.

See you all there.


T (Guest)

[quote by=Mikey_C link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool,m=1111503799,s=0 date=1111503799]
I am currently bimbling away sorting loads of bits on Radical Edward in time for the first Gill series of the year!


Erm, don't you have a boat to build...???   ;D

Mikey C

Yeah, but you know what they say about Jack being a dull boy...


Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward and most of Tims boat in the living room...
Carbon Toys for fast girls and boys!



Not enough people getting excited about his one yet...!

There must be more people out there who are just itching to get to the first Gill event of the year  :D
Emma  (dance)


Emma  (dance)


Well - I hope to be there - just need to sort a crew.

David/ Daddy W :)
David Wilkins
3481 Cooked to Perfection

Mikey C

Just about finished hacking Radical Edward about over the weekend, so am now ready for it... Check out the forecast - last time I looked was 15 knots on Saturday...



Carbon Toys for fast girls and boys!



I was going to go but no one wanted to sail with me, I'm not sure why? Anyway I will be yacht racing in Plymouth Sound instead, just as much fun and you dont get wet! Unless I fall in again.
Spinnakers are great, but as they flap harder, the helm shouts louder!


We'll be there! (provided Graham finishes painting the centreboard in the dining room). Might need a hand to get the centreboard back in though: it normally seems  to take several hours of grovelling under the boat with a screwdriver and some silicon spray.


Mikey C

Well, that rocked...

Cheers to all involved, especially Kevin for making sure we got to this great venue! Mike Rice has put a load of pictures up on // from Saturdays racing

Mike C
N3489 Radical Edward
Carbon Toys for fast girls and boys!


lucy horsley

Just want to say thanks to everybody who made Bristol such a great weekends sailing!  Really enjoyed the whole event!


Second all of that .... and the sunshine looked marvellous reflecting off all those transoms ... :-/  

Will we see all those AC boats again at Notts I wonder???