National 12

Carnac volunteers

Started by tom j, 21 Jun 2016, 09:33

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tom j

Hi all,

This is just a quick plea for some help with Carnac organisation... The bulk of things are coming together and entry should be opening soon, once a pesky little vote is over and we know what is happening with currency strengths etc. In the mean time though there are a few small jobs that I'm trying to share round the fleets if anyone has a bit of spare time over the coming months and would be happy to help? At the moment we're particularly looking for a quizmaster for the Saturday evening, someone to help with event clothing (I've started this but moving house got in the way), overall prizes, sponsorship and looking into the possibility of hosting a silent disco. There might also be chance to help organise a Guinness world record attempt but bear with us on that one, we're still investigating feasibility...

The amount of time involved is up to you, we can always share jobs round to lighten the load if someone doesn't want to do it all by themselves. I have ideas on what we are trying to achieve for each but at the same time if someone wants to do their own thing then more than happy to let them (within reason!).

I deliberately haven't asked people directly for help with these tasks yet as I only know a small portion of each fleet personally and it would be nice to give all sections of each fleet the chance to be involved. Having said that, regardless of how well you know me if you would be able to help please do let me know (e-mail is usually easiest - tomjeffy @ hotmail . com) and we can work out what is needed in a bit more detail.



Hi folk!
I hope I can help if some body bring me an alloy mast for Missprism!
Best regards,



I have a bit of free time on my hands so could do some organising!
I also have a good link to a personalised clothing supplier (captain kid). They have done lots of big sailing events, this year they secured the barts bash clothing!
They generally print but embroidery can be done when out sourced. The n12s use ginger threads as their choice of personalised gear, these garments are mostly embroidered.

tom j

Thanks for the offers guys (and sorry about the late response, in the middle of buying a house at the moment too). If you can e-mail me ( that would be great. 
