National 12

N3431 Zippy

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 15 Mar 2007, 08:39

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N3431 Zippy. Design: Feeling Foolish, designed by: Bim Daser in 1995


YW Silver National Points Trophy winning boat, Weymouth 1998, Antony Gifford & Richard Bailey


Zippy was one of the first batch of Winder/P&B boats from their Feeling Foolish mould.  Zippy is probably my best ever boat purchase. She was delivered, fully measured and calibrated, to the Easter Egg at Waldringfield in 1998.  With new crew for the year (Rich Bailey) we were 2nd that weekend and spent the whole season sharing out the prizes with Tom Stewart and Liz Ross in their sister ship (3426), cumulating in winning the Silver National at Weymouth that summer.

There is no doubt that these DB boats were a speed breakthough and so our ability to get out of trouble and back to the front of the fleet was very helpful, but equally Rich is a great crew and Zippy was quick even for her generation from day one.

I sold her at the end of 1999 to my sister, Frances, as I was off to New York for an indefinite period.


Jeremy C

doing their stuff at Harwich 2008- gill series event
Trick Cyclist-3444<br />In the pink-3408<br />Kifi-2431- under restoration<br />Flying Saucer 1277 (joint owner)<br />and now Bart 3455 too (sigh!)

Jeremy C

2nd pic- was a little windy!
Trick Cyclist-3444<br />In the pink-3408<br />Kifi-2431- under restoration<br />Flying Saucer 1277 (joint owner)<br />and now Bart 3455 too (sigh!)

Jane Wade

I crewed Zippy with Frances as the helm for a couple of years - we did the champs at Torquay in 2000 and Porthpean 2001.  We had a blast!

simon ballantine

I bought Zippy from Fran at the end of the October 2008 open meeting in Salcombe.  Although we'll never be up to Anthony or Fran's standard the boat has transformed our club racing results and felt quick from day one. 
Zippy by name, zippy by nature.