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N4 Ruff

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 22 Mar 2007, 03:25

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N4 Ruff. Design: Barnt Green One Design, designed by: Peter Brett in 1936


Recieved in post this morning!

ken goddard

From Ken Goddard
While burrowing through old issues of the Newsletter, I found the following in Issue No. 15 of 1969, in the Club News section on Earlswood Lakes S.C. the following,
"To the confusion of Record Keepers and Measurers we have been joined by Ruff, N.4, one of the Barnt Green One-Designs, which in fact existed before the National 12 Class. She has been beautifully restored and now sails sedately round our courses in company with an elderly Uffa King, waiting for the next Force 6 to really extend her".
A year later in Issue 17 of August 1970, there is the following comment.
"Colin Shaw, having found N.4 somewhat sedate,has bought..."
Note that the current owner of N.4 is Tom Shaw, Principal of the Falmouth Marine School.
The earlier comment about the boat being beautifully restored is saddening, as when N.4 turned up at Falmouth Marine School at the begining of this decade, photographs show the boat to be in terrible condition. Fortunately she has again been beautifully restored.
Ken Goddard   

ken goddard

Here is an image of "Ruff" before restoration by the Falmouth Marine School.
Ken Goddard

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