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N2947 Gordon

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 20 Aug 2007, 03:48

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N2947 Gordon.   Design: Cheshire Cat, designed by: Michael Jackson in 1973

Previous boat names: Cheshire Cat II, Gordon, Fred, Gordon Bennett.


Gordon, YW Silver National Points Trophy winning boat, Llandudno 1978, Chris Owen, crewed by Colin Gardiner.


Gordon now resides at Olton Mere Sailing Club, after a time at Rutland.
the decks are blowing, the control lines are non existant, the name is about as out there as you are going to get, but he is dry, sails like a dream, and upwind, shows a clean pair of heels to any laser that happens to venture near.
I saw gordon in rutland's boat mark when up there in June, and then he came for sale on ebay.  there was no question that he was the boat for me. I didnt expect competetiveness for the pennies that past between us, but I have been surprised on just how quick this boat can sail. feels beautifuly balanced, as tippy as tippy can be, but when level, oh so quick.  had him out in a blow with a novice in the front and he just hopped on the plane with no issues. My first venture into 12s in 15 years, and a pleasure.


a work in progress, Gordon now has working controls, and a Rose/Troth designed and angell built carbon dangly pole on order. (better defined as "oi, roger, got any carbon, we need jib poles.... sure, buy us a beer and lets have a look"...)
If anyone has a proctor C mast they dont need though, as the needlespar is a bit whippy. I was thinking of doubling its strength by adding a knitting needle to it....
Debating a redeck over the winter having been inspired by the routing and the inlaying elsewhere on the site, bringing the boat back to being the creature of beauty a cheshire should be.
If I can get him sorted and going like he should, then in 2009, there will be a cheshire cat smile coming to an open meeting near you!


I remember seeing Gordon sailing in the north of England in the late seventies. In the summer of 1978 there was a song in the charts that sold quite well by a bloke called Graham Fellows (aka Jilted John). He sang what was an immortal song as far as a lot of forty somethings are concerned called Gordon is a Moron. It was allegedly from this song that the boat got its name, as it had been sailed by Chris Owen without a name for some time beforehand.

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