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N1608 Little Sister

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 20 May 2008, 04:41

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N1608 Little Sister. Design: Mark 4A, designed by: Ian Proctor in 1955


1959 Have found lots of old papers today. I attach a D. Telegraph cutting from 1959 Burton week at Weymouth when Mike & Robin Lucas did well in the Scarborough Trophy.


Old papers turned out today : Attached is the first page of a very helpful letter from Robin Lucas re. the choice of a new boat. [Smuggler & Mark 8 were all the rage at the time].
[The brothers used to come to the winter open series of races at Coombe Cellars organised by the Teign Corinthian SC, where I got to know them].

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