National 12

Vintage Champs 28/29 June

Started by paul turner, 11 Jun 2014, 10:43

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paul turner

Who is coming out to play? Interest so far:

Dave & Tricia Peacock (N2487 Dolly Daydream)
John Sears & Catherine (N2403 China Doll)
Philip David & Christine Preston
Brian Herring & Roz
Jeremy Carey
Alan Beaton

Please post soonest if you coming to sail (or just to watch) so we can orgainse catering etc. BBQ Saturday night. And Jenny Clark is organising merchandising too. Plus a few Turner collection boats available to lend to competent helms!

Px :'( (still not sailing)

Tim Gatti

Erm  - don't forget me and Gill and Howard C + not sure who.
Is Steve Sallis still sailing?
Will Team Camm be there this year I wonder?


I'm coming, you should know that Paul your crew is crewing for me (poor lass), I will try and look after her better than I did Mr. Jones
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411


Yep Triarda will be sailing as long as I get my sprung plank glued as soon as I get home from holiday and my as yet untried (but measured) new sails fit.  Really looking forward to sailing with Naomi again. 8)

alan (Guest)

WE will be coming with my Chip
Would it be posable to camp on the friday night


Camping or Campervan space is available on Friday and/or Saturday.  The club just need to know who is coming and what time.  They will arrange for someone to be there to make sure the site gate is open and close it when everyone has arrived.  If you let us know we will put you in touch with the club representative.

Janet or Kevan Bloor

Steve (Guest)

Yes I am still sailing, but havent sailed the 12 much. We would have loved to do the vintage champs again this year, but unfortunately we have something else on that weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Is there anyone going who lives nearer to Lincoln than Paul as I have to get the trophies back and it looks like a trip across to Breaston to drop them off unless there's someone closer prepared to take them.

paul turner

Greetings - Captain Carbon (alias Brian Kitching) is looking for a crew for the vintage champs - any offers? Px 8)


Now back from holiday and boat repair 80% done just needs a dab of paint! crew confirmed and we are raring to go but I can't find an NOR/race times etc.  guidance on this post would be much appreciated please. 8)


I have just read the first post on this thread more carefully and it appears tha tChristine is crewing for Phil David so it would appear that I am also looking for a crew. It now seems unlikely I will be coming.
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411

paul turner

Why don't you and Brian K sail together? :)

paul turner

We have contacted Burton SC to see if there are any local crews available. Px 8)

Little Bo

Bernard and Ellie will be there in N2149 Xanthus, dogs and I will be on the shore supporting!
Have you all got your Tee Shirts ordered - the graphic is fab!

Little Bo

Thank you to everyone who made this wonderful event happen, and to everyone who took part.  Also big thanks to Burton SC.  A great weekend all round!

paul turner

Lots of "thank yous" to make!

To Kevan & Janet for their ever efficient, tireless, and wise help behind the scenes and at the weekend - photos and report to follow.

Burton Sailing Club who made us most welcome, especially Bill Hooton (RO) and Craig Hellon and all their willing and friendly helpers in the canteen, bar and on the water.

Ken Goddard for taking on the very tough task of running the Derwent handicaps.

To the God of Weather for giving us some pleasant breezes and only spoiling (a bit) the last race on Sunday.

And to all the competitors (and spectators) who turned up from various points of the compass.

And the final question (assuming that Burton will have us back and y'all want to go for Year Three) - what weekend next year?

Px 8)