National 12

N3335 Parts Wanted for Rebuild

Started by andrew, 31 Oct 2012, 10:47

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Looking for a pair of Ratchet Blocks and a pair Sliding Fairleads or Sliding eyes, (new or used) looked at many chandlers and ebay, price being the main issue here:-/ Postage will be paid of course, any other parts you have we may be possibly interested, so please email, and thanks for your reply Lukiepiewalker have got most of done just need the above. :)


Others will probably disagree but I am not sure if you really need slides, I had them on Agent Orange and never used them, except when they deciced to slide themselves. On my fitting out of Reflection rachet blocks where probably the only new fittings I bought and probably cost more than the rest of the fittings put together. You could try if you have a couple of jam cleats is fitting them to the centrboard case and having ordinary blocks on the jib  but angles and positioning are quite critical, I ended up drilling a lot of holes in the centreboard case of killer custard before I got it right. This alternative may work out just as expensive if you have to buy both blocks and cleats and then you might still decide you want rachet blocks!
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411