National 12

Replacing omniflex teller extension joint

Started by Overomtimistix, 07 Sep 2011, 01:12

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The rubber tiller extension joint broke last weekend. Has anybody got any advice how to get the broken part out of the extension and fit the new one?
The extension is aluminium with a deep crimp all around about 6mm from the end. Is it possible to get the old piece out without cutting the end off? Can I heat it up and make it softer?
I dont think that I can make a new deep crimp if I cut it off, so how can I holdĀ the fittingĀ in?

Jeremy C

not really, Cut it off just behind the crimp, put new joint in , drill a hole (depth of rivet) through the side of the tube into the new joint about 10mm back and put in a small pop rivet. Alternatively drill all the way through and use a 3mm nut & bolt instead then wrap in PVC tape to avoid sharp edges taking out your knee.
Trick Cyclist-3444<br />In the pink-3408<br />Kifi-2431- under restoration<br />Flying Saucer 1277 (joint owner)<br />and now Bart 3455 too (sigh!)