National 12

Full Force carbon mast

Started by ifoxwell, 27 Mar 2011, 04:35

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Hi all

Any one know what a Full Force carbon mast is like, compared to say a Super Spars?




Lots of views but no reply's... so I guess they arent very common, or every one is keeping quiet!


Antony (Guest)

They are not very common.  Linton made a few boats, and I guess a few of them might have bought a mast from him.  The only one i am aware of was for Sue Pelling but it sounds like there must be more.
Suffice to say that there is too little evidence to be sure of performance, but the front of the fleet did not rush to own them!
Incidentally i still have a nice Chipstow mast for sale, it is from 3484 and 3514 so only really works in a boat with a DB or an unusually high hog.... unless you fancy your skills in extending it.

Steve (Guest)

I also remember Sue Pelling having the Linton Jenkins mast. I recall at the Championships somewhere down in the southwest  she snapped it at the deck level. She recovered the bits and took them to Linton and he joined them back together. The impressive bit was that it was ready to sail the next day.

 (nearly put N 3231, better stop reminiscing now)

John Meadowcroft

I think that N3455 Bart had one and has always gone very well.  Not sure if it still has one or whether it died at some point and was replaced by something else.  Gerry Ledger now owns the boat.

Jeremy C

still had one when Caroline sold it last year.
Trick Cyclist-3444<br />In the pink-3408<br />Kifi-2431- under restoration<br />Flying Saucer 1277 (joint owner)<br />and now Bart 3455 too (sigh!)

Cookie (Guest)

The few I saw were very bendy and suited to lightweights. Bendier than a Superspar certainly, not sure if they were as floppy as an Angell though...