National 12

Salcombe Gill this weekend

Started by JohnMurrell, 28 Apr 2010, 06:00

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[size=x-small;" size="2">The arangements for this weekend are that I have agreed with the Salcombe Harbour Master for 30 FREE <font style="font-size: 8]dinghy parking spaces in the Batson Boat Park and harbour dues are waived. The boat berthing applies from 17.30 on Friday evening through to 08.00 on Tuesday morning. Please do not leave your cars in the spaces your boat has been allocated, doing so will jeapodise this generous offer for future open meetings! There is a large car-park next door to the boat park, please use this if you have to drive in. If the boat park attendant has gone when you arrive please leave your boat neatly in an empty space and catch up with him first thing on saturday morning. And please do not leave your trolleys at the top of the slip, take it back to your space - the slip gets very congested and trolleys have been known to disappear over the side..........
The Club is open on Friday evening from 17.30 with food being served from 19.00. On Saturday evening we will be having a pie and curry night and food will be served from 18.00 to cater for those of you with 'little people'. Sunday night is a Carvery night and we will be serving from 18.30. If you are going to eat in the Club either night can you ensure that you either / and put it on your entry form or tell the guys behind the Bar - we want to ensure that there is more than enough for everyone.
On Monday the Club will be doing food through to 15.00 so that you can fill up before going home!
For people new to Salcombe, and I think that there are a few this year, remember to allow plenty of time to get round to the start line.
See you on Saturday</font>