National 12


Started by angus, 19 Mar 2010, 08:16

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I notice that 2966 has come up for sale on ebay, on looking up the bible the entry for 2966 appears rather blank, does anybody know why , or anything about this boat. I'm not really interested in the boat but it comes with a lunching trailer, is this a n AT version of a hostess trolley?8)
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411


maybe its a trolley dolly that  brings you a pie and a pint with your trolley??

if so i want it!!


Looking at the database here it would appear that the boat is a Cheshire Cat, it certainly looks like one to me, but as you get a boat thrown in with the trolley you are after....well it's your choice Angus. Carry on like this and you could end with as many boats as Tim!!