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which way?!?!

Started by tonyelgar, 17 May 2009, 05:28

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Just found my compass for the 12 is leaking quite badly, it might work ok but its pretty wrecked to be honest. how important is it for finding our way at burton week? Im figuring not "too" essential but thought i should check!
ex 2760/3255


the compass i use more for judging shifts etc rather than for nav


Many top sailors don't use them at all, preferring to use other boats and the marks as reference. I have a tactic on my boat, but mainly use it just for the countdown facility. They are not essential, although someone will tell us different.

Andy Mck<br />3529


thanks chaps. it really is an old one for rough headings if its a big course rather than playing the shifts, this beng my first time at the burton i figured its best to ask. probably leave it to bleed to death in the shed rather than pop it in the car!
ex 2760/3255

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