National 12

Scottish champs.

Started by GregPitt, 28 Mar 2009, 10:43

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Sat afternoon tea, Saturday evening meal and
Sunday lunch included in entry fee.  Bacon Rolls available both mornings and
soup/rolls for Saturday lunchtime.
So that sounds like a yes! 8)

Roly Mo

Fantastic!  My shopping list has just got an awful lot shorter!:)

Crusader 3244

Last but one post answered my question  ...  so you could enter Mastermind with specialist subject 'answering the question before the one before the question being asked' !!   It resembles 'live chat 1to1 on facebook'.
Well, I should be packing not posting. we're looking forward to the trip.
Predictions for the weekend have been variable. I see chart now predicts general hp but with weak depression forming off southern Ireland. With lines on the chart the odds are it will not be a drifter. Will we get the nose up? - Lets hope so!
Chris, 3244

Roly Mo

Annandale seems to get the sea breeze effect.  Don't know how southern ireland will effect it. Boat packed and ready, motor home sort of ready, the rest of us no where near.

John Hugo

Thanks for answering the lunch question, Kenny.   I was pressed for time, as I had an appointment with the saw-bones in Glasgow this morning.


Could I put in an order for a couple of egg rolls sunday morning
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411


oh bye the way I hope he did a good job John The saw bones I mean and sawed thr right bits.
And which boat roly or are you bringing both.
And no the crew has changed his mind again and we won't be there tonight
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411

Roly Mo

Well, what can we say?  Nothing much except that the event exceeded expectations and that Annandale ought to get an award for running the best open meetings in terms of both sailing and value for money.  Thanks to Andrew Greenhalgh for organising it all for us (you can leave out the thunderstorm if you want next year, but it did make for good spectator sport) for all those involved in the racing and for all those who made the curry evening the feast it was.  Lots of pics on Mrs RM's Facebook page (if you are new to Facebook you can't miss it - shot of Mrs RM and Miss RM).:)
Ankle sort of stood up to it, but contemplating fitting much bigger kick bars in the bottom of the boat!
Haste ye back
All of Team RM


And don't forget you got to do the Hollywood planing finish in the last race! 8)

Roly Mo

Luke - the 'Scottish Brick' award was BRILLIANT.  Well done for thinking it up, sourcing the trophy and awarding it!


I have to give Angus the credit for that... he sidled up to me this morning... there was clearly a space in the prize list for it...

Roly Mo

Crusader 3244

.. Well there were one or two moments when we did get the nose up ..  but we hope there were none where we got up anyones elses' ! ..

Annadale is quite simply the friendliest club I have ever visited so thanks to all those involved. Thanks to Andrew, to Ken for being an excellent RO, and to Shirley et al for such high standards of catering - I don't get food that good at home!  A lot of people contributed a lot of effort to making the event a success. The weather ensured those on the water had to contribute a bit by way of effort too.
We came back with a coaching tip off Ken - work on those gybes; and I have a 'note to self' - PIN THE RUDDER!
Well done, Ben, for suffering a bossy skipper   :-/  !

Six-thirty Monday morning came around far too soon, my am I sore!  C'ya next year if not before.  XX
Chris, 3244

Crusader 3244

Annadale SC and Castle Loch 0715 Sunday Morning, before the fun began .. again.    Angus was already at work repairing his shroud tension gear (out of view)
Chris, 3244


What can I add?  An absolutley fantastic weekend and thanks to all at Annandale for making it happen and the race team for awaiting our finish after the thunderstorm and 30mph suddenly stopped and dropped to zero wind and a steady downpour.  Great sailing, fantastic social and catering.  We will try very hard to come back next year!