National 12

whats happening??

Started by Moon Shallow, 01 Dec 2008, 08:57

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Moon Shallow

i was wondering what is happening with the youth series next year??? On a previous thread there was a post saying that it would be on the next day... now a few days along and a no news??!!?? and talking of dates does anyone know when the full calander for next year come out? Was wondering as i and many of "the pink team" have exams coming up and we also need to let the taxi drivers know well in advance!!
Thanks MoonShallow 


How far off the calender for 2009 are we? mainly the week long events salcombe etc.
Also I do have two compleated new sails that need someone with a tape measure to look at them. would this be possible to get done at one of the events early next year? or any other Ideas?

John Meadowcroft

Not sure where the fixture list is exactly but i am pretty sure that it will be up on here soon.  I dont know what the delay re the Youth dates is, but I am sure that the intention is only to announce when they are definite so a bit of patience is probably required.  Salcombe YC Regatta Week starts Sunday 2 August and North West Norfolk Week starts on 1 August.
Getting sails measured should be possible at many open meetings and definitely at the larger ones.