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Bristol Corinthian Y C 11th April 1999

10 visiting National Twelve’s joined the 6 home club boats to enjoy exiting sailing at Axbridge Reservoir on Sunday 11th April. With plenty of wind and a sunny sky all the sailors had an enjoyable and wet day. Just as much enjoyment was had by the spectators as a fiendish Race Officer laid a gybe mark just off the Club House all day!

The first race was won by Tom Stewart and Liz Ross who excelled in the lively conditions, they were followed home by Royal Harwich clubmates Jon Brown and Charlotte Ibbotson sailing Stewart’s old boat, with Jim Aldis and Fred Marchant of Whitefriars S C in Third.

After a short lunch break battle was resumed. Stewart was first to the windward mark, but decided that it was time to check the bottom of his new boat – he wasn’t sure the first time, so tried again! Well and truly last by the time this was over he set off in chase of the fleet, being led by Brown, and managed to claw his way through to second at the finish behind Brown. Ian Gore and Lesley Iles were third sailing their new Feeling Foolish design for the first time.

The third race started with 12 boats on the line, which was immediately decimated by a squall on the gun. Stewart and Ross led home the seven finishers with Gore and Iles second and Aldis and Marchant third.

1st N3446 Tom Stewart and Liz Ross Royal Harwich YC

2nd N3426 Jon Brown and Charlotte Ibbotson Royal Harwich YC

3rd N3441 Ian Gore and Lesley Iles Grafham Water SC

4th N3234 Jim Aldis and Fred Marchant Whitefriars SC

5th= N3410 Bim Daser and Sarah Edwards Ranalagh SC

N3315 Jimmy Millar and Robert Miller Bristol Corinthian YC

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