National 12 - find out more...

Organising an event

Agree a date

  • Liaise with your Area rep or the National 12 fixtures list co-ordinator to ensure that your open meeting is in the N12 fixture list
  • It's good to create a buzzing atmosphere by keeping the numbers high. An option is to run the meeting alongside club sailing (if there is space, this has the added advantage of showing the 12s off to other club members), alternatively you could hold a joint open with another class. A final idea is to join up with another local club and have one open on the Saturday and then drive to the other club for the Sunday,

Great open meeting racing

Pre Event warm up

  • Limber up by promoting the event through the discussion board and newsletters. You can also ask the N12 webmaster to post event details on the website. Include: directions to the club, event format, notice-of-race.
  • Liaise with the club for: sailing instructions, race officer, rescue boats etc
  • Warn the club caterers and bar staff.
  • If it's over 2 days then let people know what accommodation is available: camping local B&Bs
  • Keep records of last year's entries and mail shot or call individuals
  • Ask the Last Chapter editor to include it in the next e-newsletter
  • Post about your event on the N12 Facebook or Twitter accounts
  • Locate last year's trophy!! That should guarantee at least one entry.

During the event

  • Get lots of good photos for Y&Y and the N12 website to publish
  • If it's over two days then organise an entertaining social on the Saturday night, e.g. quizzes, discos, games.


  • Decide what prizes you want to give out: glasses/ beer / wine, or some clubs now put out a selection of prizes and let competitors choose from glass or chocolates to spanners, burgees or hammers.
  • Consider other special prizes e.g. travellers, vintage, Admirals cup, novelty prize for most entertaining capsizes etc. Promote these before the event to encourage people to come

Post Event

  • Send a write up and photos to  and they will end up in on the website and in Yachts & Yachting.
  • Don't forget to send a copy of the results to the area rep for the area series.
See also: Publicity and club fleets for info on how to promote 12s at your club and for publicity materials

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