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Walderingfield, Spinnaker & Twickenham Open Meetings

There were three National Twelve Open Meetings last weekend across the UK.

At Waldringfield Sailing Club, reports Frances Gifford, the Cartoon trophy took place over the last weekend in September, rescheduled after the fuel crisis, with many twelves using the petrol they had saved to travel from far and wide to compete.

When the fog had cleared, two races were sailed in the warm September sun. Jon and Charlotte Ibbotson dominated both, notching up two race wins. Second in the morning were Tom Stewart and Liz Ross, with Ben Powell and crew in third. In the afternoon, Frances Gifford and Jessica Brown finished second, followed by
Stewart and Ross.

Post fog-lifting on Sunday, the first race on Sunday produced a new race leader. Richard Williams and crew developed a huge lead after crossing the fleet on port from the start. Chased by the Ibbotsons and Gifford and Brown, Williams hit the mud once too many times and the race was won by Gifford and Brown followed by
Stewart and Ross with the Ibbotsons third.

With all still to play in the final race, the Ibbotsons secured the trophy finishing second behind Stewart and Ross, reversing the placings of the Easter Egg.

Results :
1st, Purple Turtle, Jon and Charlotte Ibbotson, Royal Harwich Yacht Club;
2nd, Steady Tiger, Tom Stewart and Liz Ross, RHYC;
3rd, Zippy, Frances Gifford and Jessica Brown, Aldeburgh Yacht Club.

At Spinnaker Club writes David Wilkins, Nine National Twelves gathered on Saturday to race for the open challenge trophy. Race Officer Geoff Jackson wisely decided to postpone the first start to give the wind a chance to fill in and come as close as it would to settle to a single direction. Four races were crammed into the afternoon producing mixed results throughout the fleet with final outcome decided in the closing stages of the last beat of
the last race. John & Kate Meadowcroft enjoyed wins in races 1 & 3 but thirds in races 2 & 4. Race 2 was won by Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne following their 5th in race 1. The final race was closely fought between John & Mandy Thornton, Bim Daser & Kate Edwards as well Camm & Meadowcroft. Bim Narrowly won from Graham & Zoe who were able to count their 2nd in race 3 .The Meadowcrofts, 3rd was sufficient to win them the meeting.

1st N3429 John & Kate Meadowcroft (Henley S C) 5 pts

2nd N3378 Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne (Burghfield S C) 5 pts

3rd N3410 Bim Daser & Kate Edwards (Ranelagh S C) 6 pts

4th N3148 John & Mandy Thornton (Henley S C) 9pts


And at Twickenham YC on Sunday writes Ben Deverson, 3 Twickenham Twelve's were joined by 5 visiting boats, from Henley, Ranelagh and Burghfield to form a fleet of 8.

The first start was delayed, while as the mist burned away and the competitors waited for the wind to start its random manoeuvres. John and Katy Meadowcroft, closely followed by David and Rosemary Croft managed to make best use of the little wind, nearly lapping the entire fleet, as they finished. John and Mandy Thornton, led
the remainder of the fleet, by half a lap as the remainder closely contested the remaining positions, Ben and George Deverson sailing through 2 positions to fourth at the line

The wind improved slightly for the second race, but John and Katy again led the fleet, this time followed closely by Bim Daser and Sarah Edwards. David and Rosemary fought it out with John and Mandy for a close follow-up, whist the remainder of the fleet, once again fought for the later positions.

The third race provided the most constant wind and this time David and Rosemary led the fleet with John and Mandy in hot pursuit. Ben and George Deverson managed to hold off John and Katy for the first lap and a half, but were unable to carry it to the finish. John and Mandy managed to edge past David and Rosemary at the finish to claim second overall.

Overall Results:
1st - John and Katy Meadowcroft, N3429 Fools Gold (1,1,3)
2nd - John and Mandy Thornton, N3393 GFFFFG (3,4,1)
3rd - David and Rosemary Croft, N2935 Close to the Edge (2,3,2)

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