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National 12s @ Weston & Looe 22/23 May 2004

Looe Open Meeting

Looe again served up some hot weather and a little bit of wind for the N12s. An unusual format saw the 12s get in some practice within the club racing on Saturday with Nick & Liz Charles showing good speed to win the first race after Chris Bishop and Pip Jefferies had to retire with a broken tiller extension. Unfortunately Chris' day got worse after a fraught beach landing saw damage to the transom that put Master of Puppets out of action for the rest of the weekend.

Sunday saw a lighter breeze and flatter sea, after a short postponement to allow the wind direction to settle the fleet got away on a heavily starboard biased line. Tim Laws and Sam Game managed a slight advantage off the line and were then able to sail the shifts in clear air to establish a good lead by the windward mark. Also showing well on the first beat were Tom Jefferies and Jinni King while Gavin and Jasmine Willis ended up rather far back after banging the right hand corner. Laws and Game continued to extend their lead as the rest of the fleet got caught up with the leading Merlins, Nick and Liz managing to pull through to second by the end of the race.

The second race started in a lighter wind and an awkward chop. Nick and Liz Charles made an excellent start and led around the windward mark. Down the first reach Laws and Game managed to edge past and the second reach concluded with the two design 8s still within a boat length of each other. Unfortunately a slight brush with the mark saw the Charles' with a 360 to take allowing Laws and Game to escape and claim the event.

1st Tim Laws & Sam Game N3295
2nd Nick & Liz Charles N3414
3rd Gavin & Chloe Willis N3485

Weston Open Meeting

Saturday 22 May dawned bright and sunny at Weston SC for the sixth race in the Thames Area Series with a perfect Force 2-3 northeast wind. A few clouds gathered over the course of the afternoon but never quite managed to fulfil the promise of a sea breeze. A small but select band of N12 sailors took to the water at 12.30 for three back-to-back races. In the first race Caroline Martin and Andy Douglas sailing "Bart" took the lead off the start and managed to hold on to it until the second reach when Graham Camm & Zoë Ballantyne in "Thanks for All the Fish" squeezed past to windward. David Wilkins and Lincoln in "Cooked to Perfection" were close on Caroline and Graham's heels, but Matt & Paula Burrows in "Apple Turnover" unfortunately missed the first start due to spreader problems.

In the second race, Cooked to Perfection had a flying start and was first to the windward mark. Thanks for All the Fish slipped past on the first reach on a good gust to take the lead and Bart then overtook on the second reach on a handy wave. Thanks for All the Fish held their lead to the finish.

A fully functioning Apple Turnover took the lead off the third start and headed right while the rest of the fleet headed left. The wind on the left then died and it looked as though Apple Turnover was going to leave the rest of the fleet standing (drifting?) well behind. Breeze returned to the left however just in time to bring the fleet on the left back to the windward mark at the same time as Apple Turnover. Thanks for All the Fish rounded first with Bart close behind, jostling for the lead until the finish.

On the Sunday, the wind was slightly lighter and more variable. New recruit Simon Walworth with son Thomas was seen allegedly "making fine adjustments to the burgee" on the water from a horizontal position just prior to the start - well, it was very hot and they apparently needed cooling down.

On the fourth race, Brian Whitmey sailing with daughter Jackie in "42" took a considerable lead off the start which he held until the second lap until Bart and Thanks for All the Fish split tacks behind him, Thanks for All the Fish taking the lead as the wind filled in from the left hand side.

The fifth race suffered from a conflict between the growing sea breeze and the remnants of the lad breeze, resulting in shifts of up to 120 degrees. At one point, the windward leg unexpectedly turned into a run, keeping all the competitors guessing what was going to happen next. Despite the unpredictability, Brian & Jackie Whitmey had another good start with Cooked to Perfection hot on their heels, but the later change of wind allowed Thanks For All the Fish to sneak in at the final mark. .




Boat name



Graham Camm/Zoe Ballantyne

Thanks for All the fish



Caroline Martin/Andy Douglas




David Wilkins/ Lincoln

Cooked to Perfection



Matt & Paula Burrows

Apple Turnover



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