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National 12 events 2005

GILL series final at Grafham SC

Thirty-one National Twelves arrived at Grafham to be greeted by a steady-ish Force 4 and 300 optimists! Having been booked in for months, the Twelves were given the largest bit of the lake for the racing and the club did a tremendous job of running the open meeting with minimal impact of the huge event also taking place. Fantastic reaching and shifty beats with intermittent sunshine provided the perfect racecourse for the final Gill series event of the year.

The first race, sailed on a P-course, was led from start to finish by Jon Brown and Rachel Williamson, hotly chased by Tom Stewart and George Hand. Geoff Camm and Amelia Hall slotted in a third in their final open meeting before emigration.

After lunch the courses were trapezoids, Frances Gifford and Sophie Mackley leading for the first lap only to be overtaken by brother and sister-in-law Antony and Jo Gifford who were never to be seen again. Brown and Williamson climbed through the fleet to third. These results meant that any of five boats could still win the event going into the final race.

Frances Gifford and Sophie Mackley made the best of a right-hand windshift with about thirty seconds to go and again led round the windward mark. This time they fought off all challenges to win from Graham Camm and Zoe Ballantyne and then Chris Bishop and Pip Jefferies.

The Admirals Cup competition for older boats was won by Philip David and Debbie from Graham Iles and Ellie Martin.

This brought to an end the fantastic Gill series for 2005 which has been enjoyed by seventy odd boats over eight fantastic venues. Thanks to the sponsors for their continued support and great prizes.


1st - 3431, Frances Gifford and Sophie Mackley, Aldeburgh YC
2nd - 3483, Jon Brown and Rachel Williamson. Royal Harwich YC
3rd - 3484, Antony and Jo Gifford, Aldeburgh YC






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