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National 12 events 2005

Spinnaker SC

Glorious sunshine and a good breeze gave near perfect conditions for the National 12 open meeting at Spinnaker Club, Ringwood on Saturday, 18th June. A small but quality fleet of 12's attended, boats including the new Brett Dingwall built Numinous 'Flipside' owned by Mike Day.

The variable conditions and wind shifts kept the race officer, Mike Greenland, extremely busy with courses. Meantime, positions constantly changed on the water as the races developed. The wind direction meant courses mixed short beats with runs and reaches around the lake, making life extremely interesting for the crews.

Although Will Henderson and his son Arthur, sailing 3418 'New Isabelle' had returned the cup presented for winning this event in 2004, it was clear from the first start that they had no intention to return the cup for longer than a day. They sailed consistently and almost seamlessly to win all four races, managing the interesting wind shifts and breeze to retain the cup for another year. Second place was settled in the final race with Steve Adshead and daughter Briony in N3449 'Fatal Abstraction' coming second after a closely fought battle with David Wilkins and Suzie Sallis N3481 'Cooked to Perfection'.

Will & Arthur in action


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