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National 12 events 2005

Yeadon SC

A good turnout of fourteen National Twelves competed in the Yeadon Sailing Club Open Meeting held on the 2nd October.

Winds were lighter than the previous day at Ripon but were from a tricky Westerly direction through the trees. In the first race Philip and Helen David N3217 went into an early lead and were never challenged. John and Alison Cheetham N3209 recovered from a poor start to work through the fleet on the first lap but could not close the gap to Philip. Howard Chadwick and Helen Nicholson were third in Howard’s vintage boat N2266

The second race was held in warm sunshine after the usual excellent lunch. Philip and Helen again made the best start and led followed by John and Alison this time much closer, the gap opened and closed throughout the race until on the last lap and after lapping many of the fleet John managed to establish an overlap at a mark and held the advantage to the finish. Howard and Helen again finished third.

After a short break the third and deciding race was held following the same pattern as the previous two with Philip and Helen in the lead and John and Alison chasing hard. This time however they could not get through although the finish was close with the two boats overlapped on the finish line, finishing within three seconds of each other. Howard and Helen again finished third on the water but this time sailing Howard’s Design Eight.

Two vintage boats finished in the top four, showing that they are at little disadvantage on this type of water and wind.

1 3217 Philip and Helen David YOSC
2 3209 John and Alison Cheetham YSC
3 2266 Howard Chadwick and Helen Nicolson YSC (vintage)
4 1673 Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson Winsford Flash SC (vintage)

The Yeadon fleet

Intense concentration from Ian Purkis

Photos: Yvonne McInnes





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