National 12 - find out more...

Vintage Series Survival Event


Six vintage National 12’s gathered at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club on 1st September to be greeted by 20mph winds and gusts to 25mph.  Despite the conditions being “borderline” for vintage boats (sailed mainly by vintage people) the fleet from as far afield as Derby, Cheshire, Yorkshire and Tynemouth prepared to race.

 The fleet preparing to brave the conditions



















The experienced OOD and his team set as safe a course as was possible and as the wind continued to rise Dolly Daydream was first off the shore disappearing in a cloud of spray!  Tim Gatti and Katie McInnes were fighting to launch next with Mat N341 complete with wooden mast but suffered a broken kicker and two capsizes before having to give up.  Triada was next to get away and test the conditions.  Duo Decimal was next but after a short sail had to return with “technical problems”.  The remaining boats decided against launching as one of them had almost been blown clean off its trolley and only saved by the quick reactions of owner Brian Herring and several other spectators!


When the race did start only two boats were able to cross the line on time although Ken Goddard had resolved his problems and started late but then had to drop out with further problems.  Dolly Daydream held the lead up the first beat and onto the first broad reach with Triada in hot pursuit and closing the gap.  Under pressure Paul did a most spectacular demonstration of the China Doll nosedive and death roll leaving Triada to start the next beat alone, hugging the windward shore for cover they made it to the second windward mark whilst Dolly Daydream had recovered from the capsize but with a badly damaged jib so she had to retire.  This left Triada as the only survivor to complete a very hairy broad reach before the next hard beat to windward and it was with great relief that the compassionate OOD shortened to one lap finishing the race and saving further damage.

 Triada at full speed































After lunch and with the wind still gusting to over 30mph it was decided to abandon further racing out of consideration for the age of the boats and more importantly the age of the helms many of whom qualify for their fuel allowances although Paul Turner still insists that all older Trent Valley members are in fact 42!


Final Results

1st            N2266                         Howard Chadwick and Gail Kaye


Paul congratulating Howard on his survival

Other notable performances!


Half lap and most spectacular death roll:-

N2427                Dolly Daydream            Paul Turner and Christine Marshall


Almost made it to the first mark:-

N2300                Duo Decimal                       Ken Goddard and Helen Bird


Nearly got off the shore:-

N341                  Mat                              Tim Gatti and Katie McInnes


Put sails up and nearly lost the boat off the trolley:-

N2468                Suzy Wong               Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson


Saw Brian Herring’s boat nearly blow away and decided not to play!

N1684             Nat’l Panic                Howard Elcock and Julia




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