National 12 - find out more...

Tynemouth (Newburn) Open


Northern 12’s and Fog on the Tyne!


Six Twelves arrived at Newburn on the banks of the Tyne on Sunday 21st October to compete for the Tate Trophy only to find no wind and thick fog!  The fog however quickly lifted, the sun came out, the temperature rose and after a 30-minute postponement even a slight breeze arrived and the fleet took to the water.


After a close start the fleet got away smoothly although Tim Gatti had strayed down tide a little and this kept him out of the early running.  Philip David in Little Meg took an early lead whilst close behind Brian Herring, Neil McInnes and Howard Chadwick fought a close battle followed by Angus and then Tim.  Even at the last mark places changed and Brian Herring took back second place only to be re-passed up the final leg by Howard and Neil whilst Philip had maintained and increased his lead throughout.  Tim Gatti had made a good recovery and overtook Angus to finish 5th.


As race 2 started the wind had picked up slightly and everyone was on the line, Neil however had to do penalty turns just after the start leaving Howard first to the first mark closely followed by Philip then Brian.  Philip soon managed to regain the lead once again however and although pushed at times by Howard on the runs he held his position as did Howard and Brian whilst Neil was being pushed hard by Tim who eventually got through to 4th place.


The OOD decided not to go for a 3rd race as the results were clear and the tide was dropping as indeed was the breeze!  The decision was applauded by all and the entire fleet and race officers etc retired to the nearby Keelman Pub for an excellent meal and liquid refreshments.




1st      Philip David and Caroline Clarke  N2545   Little Meg

2nd    Howard Chadwick and Cathy Lawson  N3356   Squidgy Bits

3rd     Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson  N2468   Suzy Wong

4th      Neil and Yvonne McInnes        N3216        Twice Shy

5th      Tim Gatti and Gail Kaye    N3109          Gnasher

6th      Angus and Rohan Beyts  N3208          Moonlight Shadow



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