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North West Norfolk Week

Report from (nearly) the back of the fleet


Paul Turner, Trent Valley – N3157 Microclipper


Friday 27th July – set out from Breaston with Roseanne Carberry (who had bravely volunteered to crew for me for the whole week) with a weather report that initially forecast a rubbish week (including fog on Thursday at Kings Lynn!) which had miraculously improved to light showers followed by a fabulously sunny week! Start delayed by 90 minutes by the usual Friday pm traffic jams around M1 J52. Good journey over to Burnham Market (usual house) and went to checkout Burnham Overy Staithe for a walk in the fresh air. The “Hero” was fully booked so we set out for the “Jolly Sailors” at Brancaster and spotted Gerry Ledger and the Up River crew on their way there by foot; a very pleasant evening was had by all.


Saturday 28th July Hunstanton 2 races back to back 15.00hrs - The day dawned bright and sunny, no wind and not a cloud in the sky. The racing was not until the afternoon so able to enjoy a leisurely morning. Off to Sunny Hunny and the usual start of the week catching up with who was there and who had gone to the Burton instead. Fifteen N12s being the usual suspects from Up River, North Hykeham etc. The briefing was again a little surreal with details of what was happening in TWO years time (being the 60th anniversary year) and confirmation that the tornado had been cancelled this year! The late morning air was shattered by over 100 bikers descending (in a very orderly and well behaved manner) onto the open space next to the sailing club.


By early afternoon there was a good breeze, so we put up the old N3157 sails for Roseanne’s first experience of sea sailing. We saw the rest of the fleet at the start of both races but the loss of the jib sheets in the first race and a broken jib halyard tensioner in the second meant that was the only time we saw them! Despite this we had a fab sail but getting back onto the beach was tricky. Because of the swell and limited space between the groynes, we were supposed to wait our turn to be called in by the rescue boat but various Enterbox and Laser helms displayed bad manners and queue jumped.


Steve & Joanne Sallis N3436 won the first race and Ian Gore and Frankie Turley N3441 won the second, giving Ian first overall. It was good to see Andy Bayliss and Vicki Woods had finally seen the light and moved into 12s having bought N3445.


Got back to HQ and walked to the village to suss out the eating houses; the “Jockey” at the far end of the village had been recommended by several – and proved to be very good.


Sunday 30th July Hunstanton 2 races back to back 15.30hrs - Again the day dawned bright with a light breeze so we decided to try out Kevan Bloor’s experimental fully battened main. I had had the health warnings about tricky gibing, inability to slow down/spill wind especially for starting and enhanced capsizing risk – all proved unfounded (thankfully!). It was interesting how many people commented that there was something unusual about the main (including the unsubtle Alverbank advertising), but most hadn’t spotted the long battens!


As he was landing Gerald Copsey had a mishap in the breaking waves despite the best efforts of the beach team and broke his transom – more work for Gerry Ledger and Gerald was reduced to Enterprise racing for the rest of the week. Again, more bad manners from the Enterbox and Laser sailors.


You do get VFM at Hunstanton – goodly long races with well set courses. Steve Sallis won overall today, with Andy Bayliss also up at the front.


Monday 30th July Sunny Hunny again 09.00hrs - The race was postponed but we had a decent single race with a last leg epic gibing battle with Marcus Ingram N3292 only to be pipped at the post. Five races and last in each; it could only get better?


Monday 30th July Burnham Overy Staithe 19.00hrs - Off to BOS for the Jenny Lee race (only for N12s). We were joined by Vince & Fiona Phillips in their vintage 7 plank Whisper N2531, and we did rather better in the light conditions – would have even better if my navigation had been a little more accurate – we were put right by the very sporting Pie Boys (Bernard Clark and Stewart Miatt sailing N3447)! Managed 5th overall; the finish was as the sun was setting and the breeze died. Incidentally, I forgot that the car park at BOS floods at high tide; Alex Gore kindly reminded us, offered to move the car – and then forgot! Fortunately her father and father-in-law had overheard our conversation and thankfully moved the car to dry ground.


Ian and Frankie won after a close fight with Patrick Elcombe and Carol Shore N3442. Ian thought it was only one lap (“It’s only ever one lap at BOS!”) letting Patrick past, but only briefly.


We enjoyed the splendid hospitality of Peter Beck and his wife who put on a special reception at their home for us. Got to meet the legendary John Holltum.


Tuesday 31st July Wells 07.00hrs - Another sunny and windless dawn with a very early start to get to Wells for an early start. We were towed out to the start which was in a gentle breeze, but it was very lumpy out at the seaward marks and we shipped a lot of water! The pre-race tuning meant that we actually beat 3 boats.


News started to filter through about the Burton and we were delighted to hear of Jo Richard’s success in Bouncer – hope for the old yots/boys! Traditional bacon and egg bapps and bar open at 9am. Some brave souls sailed back through the marshes – apparently Gerry Ledger had planned his route by using Google Earth!


Wednesday 1st August Blakeney 7.40hrs – sunny with a very cold breeze, but a delayed start at Blakeney saw probably the best day’s racing of the whole week. We were actually up with some of the faster boats by now and saw Steve Le Grys N3432 and Steve Sallis have a bit of a kafuffle resulting in the latter’s capsize – didn’t seem to slow him down much as he whizzed past us ten minutes later! We missed another mark and had to go back but we weren’t last – again. The debate was on with Marcus N3292 as to who was going to be last overall! By now the list of modifications and repairs required for Microclipper was getting quite long!


Fab BBQ in the afternoon/evening chez Gerry/Ian/Alex/Lesley/Frankie – many thanks from all your guests! There was some consternation as Ian had to whiz Alex off to hospital, but thankfully she (and the lump!) were back with us on Thursday.


Thursday 2nd August King’s Lynn 08.00hrs and 15.00hrs – yet another bright and sunny morning, but it was off to Kings Lynn! It was great to be rigging boats to go sailing whilst all around people in suits were going to work! Last year Ian Gore nearly lapped us, but this year we saw him finish – not last, again (7th)! Good breeze, simple course, but we couldn’t face the Queens Plate (which is an all class handicap race sailing out with the current at low tide to the Wash and hoping to sail back on the incoming) in the afternoon and went home early. A good decision as it turned out as I hear that the wind died, the race was shortened and the boats were towed back. Peter Miatt and Lesley Iles N3448 actually sailed the QP and won!


And the all day breakfast at the Club was as good as ever! Up River went off for their traditional McDonalds and most of us dropped off our boats at Snettisham on the way back.


Friday 3rd August Snettisham Beach 08.10hhrs – saw us at sunny Snett with a variable breeze. The race officer clearly had problems setting the course, the changeable wind direction and the wayward buoy dropping of a rescue boat meant a general recall, abandonment, postponement and re-run for the first race which started on a reach! Tales of lack of wind at Brixham filtered through. We actually managed another 7th!


Saturday 4th August Snettisham 2 races back to back 09.00hrs – There was lots of wind! Ian’s crew Frankie had gone home (off on a family holiday at 3.00am on Saturday morning) and so Gerald stepped in for the toughest two races he’s done in long while. Ian and Gerald won the first race while Steve Sallis wore out his crew by making her do lots of swimming. In the second race, Steve had a fresh new crew but sadly had not noticed that the course was triangles (and not Olympic) giving the race to Ian and Gerald.

Where did we come? We were time expired in first race, having shipped lots of water, and who knows where in the second, but it was fab morning’s yotting!. We damaged the centreboard case as we landed and so Microclipper was off to Gerry for repairs (and removal of bilge and centre keels).


We had to rush back home for the Trent Valley Summer Ball – re-run as the lawn was flooded on the original date – so we missed the last day at Snettisham. I believe that Andy and Vicky won.


A few final thoughts. It was a shame that we didn’t get any racing at Brancaster this year. And we actually beat two/three boats (compared to only one in the two previous years)!




NWNW is a great week, well organised, great fun and really worth doing. And it’s a fab holiday week too! Be there for 2008 – the dates are 26th July to 2nd August 2008. Do not be put off by the early starts – all the racing in 2008 will be afternoon starts until Snettisham on the Friday – but (regrettably) no Brancaster again until 2009.





Paul Turner

Rosanne Carberry

Trent Valley




Tim Harris

Amanda Harris

Up River




Gerry Ledger

Alayne Seymour

Up River




Marcus Ingram

Sarah Giles

Up River




Ben Harris

Penny Yarwood

Up River




Steve Le Grys

Alice Woodings

Thorpe Bay




Steve Sallis

Joanne Sallis





Ian Gore

Frankie Turley

Up River




Patrick Elcombe

Carole Shore

Middle Nene




Andy Bayliss

Vicky Woods





Peter Miatt

Lesley Iles

Notts County




Ian Keely

James Keely





The table does not include the three extra yots who did not sail the whole week. Results column 1 is for the Robin Steavenson Trophy for the harbour meetings, column 2 is for the whole week.





PS My thanks to Rosanne, Gerry, Alex and Ian for their input and corrections to the original drafts of this article.





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