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Royal Thames Trophy at Ranelagh

Ten N12s took to the water at Ranelagh to compete for the Royal Thames Yacht Club trophy. With the Thames barrier firmly shut, the fleet had to adjust their normal tidal tactics and there wasn't the normal struggle to stay the right side of the start line before the start. Bim Daser got the best start on the Fulham FC side of the river, starting in more wind but running the risk of having to tack to make the corner. Mike Storey led the middle of the river but unfortunately was over the line and had to restart. Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne were first to the corner but ran into a hole. The fleet compressed as a large gust came from behind and David Wilkins and Adele Cameron attempted to take the lead in the first of numerous luffing battles.

Nose Dive

Graham & Zoe managed to stay ahead and round the mark in first but there was no chance of them having an easy ride. On the way back to Putney Bridge, Graham & Zoe fell into a hole. Jon Ibbotson & Lucy Horsley spotted their chance and made the second leadership challenge but fell into a hole of their own before they could consolidate their position. John & Mandy Thornton, out for the first time in their newly acquired Final Chapter, found a fantastic burst of speed half way through the race and stormed through the fleet to challenge for first, nipping at Graham & Zoe's heels. Many luffing battles ensued during the next two laps as John & Mandy attempted to capture the lead. There were also a few hairy moments as the fleet fought with some big gusts and massive wind shifts. After one and a half hours the race was shortened with Graham & Zoe just holding on to the lead from John & Mandy. 



1st Graham Camm  & Zoe Ballantyne

2nd John & Mandy Thornton

3rd Jon Ibbotson & Lucy Horsley

1st Admirals Cupper - Matt & Jo Stiles


Photos: Nick Price

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