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Lairwell Trophy open meeting

The 43 year old Lairwell Trophy was originally scheduled to have been competed for at Cramond Boat Club’s annual Dinghy Regatta over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd July 2016. However this event was blown off, and after some discussion amongst the Scottish National 12 sailors it was agreed to reschedule the event to coincide with one of Cramond Boat Club’s club races later in the season.
So on Sunday September 4th the Cramond B.C. sailors were joined by Angus Beyts and the N12’s took to the water to race in the club’s handicap fleet, using the NTOA recommended age related handicaps to account for the different ages of the N12’s. Lairwell
The first race commenced in a very gentle wind and smooth water and Angus Beyts, (sailing N2969 a Pipedream design) and Ed Willett (sailing N3274 a Crusader 88 design) steadily pulled away from the remainder of the handicap fleet and sailing side by side enjoyed much place changing, and pleasant conversations over the first lap of the course. The wind slowly increased towards the end of the lap and as it did N3274 steadily pulled away from N2969 to finish in that order, although the result looked in the balance until the results were calculated, but when they were the corrected times showed that N3274 had done enough to just beat N2969 on handicap. Back in the club fleet Andrew Harris sailing N402 (a 1938 vintage “ribbie” complete with cotton sails) was showing enough boat speed in the light conditions to compete for line honours with the Laser’s and Laser Stratos, but was too far back too threaten either N2969 or N3274 despite the favourable handicap.
The wind picked up for the second race and steadily built throughout, requiring hiking up wind, and almost planing conditions off wind by the end of the race. N402 and N3274 had a cracking start to the race and lay first and second almost to the first windward mark, whilst N2969 had become embroiled in some start line jostling resulting in raised voices and penalty turns! Three laps were sailed over the long course and N3274 stretched away to win by nearly two legs, and retain the Lairwell Trophy for 2016. Behind N2969 had recovered from the start line antics and had moved up to second on the water but was unable to make any ground on the leader. N402 was starting to find the conditions a little lively especially on the long run and sailed a lonely race at the back of the handicap fleet, but finished without drama, a great achievement.

Picture: N3274 leads N2969 (using different sails) halfway through the first race"

Overall results



Mr Incredible

Ed Willett

Cramond BC




Angus Beyts

Newburgh SC




Andrew Harris

Cramond BC


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